Thursday 26 July 2007


I have just finished chapter fifteen of my work in progress, the as yet untitled adventures of Charlie Cornelius. This work is developing beyond my expectations. I had originally intended a novel of some 80,000 words that covered four phases of Charlie's life. 36,000 words in and I am only half way through the first phase. This is both good and bad. It is good in that it means there will probably be four novels instead of one. It is bad in that it means there will probably be four novels instead of one.

Series of books are notoriously difficult to sell these days, especially for an 'unknown' like me. This means I will have to be cunning and write the first so that it seems complete in itself, but is sufficiently open ended to allow sequels. Seems a shabby way to write, if you ask me; one eye always on how the money 'men' will react.

Of course, that presupposes anyone would be interested in publishing it. I am not overly optimistic.

1 comment:

Papoosue said...

Good to see your blog Graeme. Chapter fifteen of Charlie's adventures - good, I hope to see it soon. I'm keeping fingers crossed for it being published in the future - cup half full and all that.

Thanks for adding me to your list.